Grid Stabilization
The economic and environmental benefits of diversifying power mixes with thousands of megawatts of renewable and remote energy continue to influence the energy sector to explore strategies for operating a more dynamic and flexible grid. When these new approaches to energy efficiency are met with resistance from factors that affect costs, reliability, and resilience, APR Energy delivers solutions that address the inherent challenges of connecting solar panels and wind turbines to the electric grid. Backed by gas turbines, APR Energy delivers a fast and dependable alternative to power systems that are vulnerable to changing concentrations of renewables during periods of peak demand and changing weather. Click Here

Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Unpredictable public policy, environmental pressures and escalating costs have not made it any less challenging to keep today’s complex power systems up and running efficiently. But, power providers around the world have relied on APR Energy Operations and Maintenance to make it possible. By delivering a proven mix of leadership, technical expertise, and business insight, APR Energy delivers customized approaches to O&M that optimize assets and maximize plant performance. APR Energy reinforces infrastructure reliability to achieve financial goals and ensure continued regulatory compliance. Its sophisticated network of field engineers and technicians manage power plants operating on gas turbines and reciprocating engines. Services range from installation and commissioning to balance of plant management and training to develop and empower local teams to ensure long-term goals., click here.

Efficiency Enhancement
As power infrastructure ages, plants are rapidly becoming inefficient and non-compliant with emission regulations. Relying on outdated and unreliable assets is no longer an alternative for many utility providers and grid operators. APR Energy enables customers to upgrade their aging power generation infrastructure with newer, more efficient technology in a quick, smart and effective way. Our approach utilizes the latest gas turbine technology to help utilities and private companies optimize operations, improve reliability, secure significant fuel cost savings and minimize emission levels. For more information, click here.

Bridging Power
There’s no need to be without critical power for months or even years while new facilities are being constructed, are being replaced or upgraded with newer technologies, or are undergoing maintenance. With APR Energy’s bridging power solutions, customers can access reliable and affordable power fast, minimizing interruption or delay of electricity supply while permanent facilities come online. As part of our turnkey approach, we can even provide customers with the full long-term generation solution, using a combination of temporary and permanent technologies to deliver efficient power quickly, while keeping costs low through a levelized pricing approach.

Distributed Generation
In scenarios where the delivery of electricity to a city or region is restricted by inadequate or inefficient transmission lines, a utility company may allocate generation closer the communities served to avoid shortages and blackouts. The flexible, scalable and turnkey nature of APR Energy’s solutions make them a great fit for distributed power needs, for both large communities and small. Our electricity can be injected either directly into the local medium voltage distribution network or the main high voltage grid, and can help improve the overall efficiency of the customer’s electrical system by supplying reactive power (MVARs).

Emergency Power
Whether it is urgent power needed in Japan following a tsunami, a faulty undersea transmission cable in Australia, or critical power needed in Cyprus following a power plant fire, APR Energy has delivered power fast to our customers, on-time, when they need it most. Emergencies can be driven by natural disaster, power plant failure, transmission interruption, weather phenomenon, or some other unforeseen catastrophe. Using modular design, mobile technology, proprietary building systems and on-hand inventory, APR Energy’s fast-track solutions have been the go-to solution customers depend on when they need large-scale power fast.