
A APR Energy instalou e operou mais de 1GW de plantas rápidas e de grande escala para utilidades, minas e outros clientes industriais na região da Ásia-Pacífico, incluindo grandes projetos na Austrália, Bangladesh, Indonésia, Japão, Myanmar, Nova Caledônia e Sri Lanka.

Myanmar - 102MW | Vista aérea do site

Myanmar - 102MW | Instalação rápida

Australia - 100MW | Vista aérea do site

Australia - 75MW | Vista aérea do site

Estudos de caso Ver tudo

Japan (TEPCO)

Japan Hitachinaka Power Plant | APR Energy

Over 200MW of rapidly delivered emergency power following the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, supporting rebuilding and disaster recovery.

Australia (Horizon Power)

Mobile Turbine Generator Bridging Power in Australia

Mobile turbine project delivered 100MW of reliable, emissions-friendly bridging power in extreme conditions.

Myanmar (MEPE)


Gas power module solution producing 102MW of electricity and serving over six million people.

Australia (Hydro Tasmania)

Tasmania Power Plant | APR Energy

Three-turbine emergency power solution following prolonged hydro shortage and faulty undersea cable.

Indonesia (PLN)

Indonesia Medan Power Plant | APR Energy

130MW fast-track power solution using state-of-the-art, fuel-efficient diesel power modules.