APR Energy enabled students from the St. Thomas/St. John Youth Scholastic Chess Club to compete in a premier U.S. national chess tournament in Florida. For many of the students, the trip was the first time they had the opportunity to travel off-island. Before the tournament, APR Energy team members guided the students through STEM education exercises to help improve their critical thinking, analytical and communication skills, which ultimately aligned with three important APR Energy core values: speed, trust and teamwork.

APR Energy improved infrastructure conditions at a school in Magdalena, Argentina to help empower their young minds in science and various extra-curricular activities. The donation included several materials, but most notably new microscopes and equipment for an environmental science lab, industrial fans to mitigate high temperatures throughout the building, and soccer gear for an outdoor field. APR Energy’s contribution helped improve overall quality of life for more than 300 students in the community.

Students in Kyaukse show off their newly constructed school building, one of three school rehabilitation projects executed by the local APR Energy team during 2014. Support included building construction and structural improvements, as well as provisions of teaching aids, classroom furniture and student supplies. The initiatives helped relieve overcrowded classrooms and support 400 children with improved and expanded educational facilities. In 2016, the APR Energy team expanded its community efforts, donating school supplies, sports equipment, and vocational and office equipment to a local orphanage.

As part of the company’s second power project in Botswana, the local APR Energy team worked with community leaders to identify an outreach opportunity that would have widespread impact. In late 2016, the team presented an upgraded computer lab, rehabilitated library and a covered outdoor assembly area to a rural school with 500 students. In 2011, APR Energy led an education-focused project that included construction of a fully functioning computer lab and training of teachers and students at a second school near its Francistown power plant. The project equipped the school with new technology, climate control and a security system.

APR Energy’s renovation of the primary community clinic in the Rocha Pinto neighborhood of Luanda included installation of water pumps, climate control and furniture, as well as complete repair of the electrical system. Through our supplemental community outreach program, we focus on youth development for the two neighborhoods surrounding APR Energy’s plant sites, supported by a dedicated APR Energy community relations manager.

APR Energy helped promote a positive and healthy learning environment at a grade school near its plant in Punta del Tigre. Work included renovation the school’s lavatories and kitchen, improvement of the sanitation system for its students, and providing new playground and athletic equipment.

APR Energy constructed a new school wing for a polytechnic school adjacent to our Kuala Namu plant site in Medan. The five new classrooms, equipped with high-quality flooring, sound roofs, windows and doors, provide an improved learning environment and benefit nearly 700 local students majoring in fields from business management to auto mechanics.

In 2012, APR Energy co-sponsored the Dakar Half Marathon, headed by the Senegalese Athletic Association. The charity race helped contribute to educational camps that promote academic work, leadership development and life skills for young female scholarship recipients and their caregivers. In 2017, the local APR Energy team rehabilitated a popular community basketball court and donated new baskets, uniforms, balls, benches and scoring equipment.

A local school near the Barranca power plant suffered for three years without electricity after thieves stole the copper wiring from the electrical system. APR Energy employees, together with local citizens, volunteered their time to re-wire the electrical system, renovate the school and install security and fire alarms.

In the aftermath of the devastating 2010 earthquake, APR Energy teamed up with several partner organizations to organize a medical mission into the badly damaged capital city. More than 90 doctors, nurses, and medical support staff were transported into Haiti, along with urgently needed medical supplies.